Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Network of Compassion and Love- Daily Minyan Reading - June 4, 2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

June 4, 2024

Creator of Light, 

Source of our wisdom, 

Inspire us to express wonder

At the turning of day to dusk, 

Darkness to dawn 

So that we will fill our moments

With a deeper meaning 

That enables us to sense Your presence

Shining in our souls

Uniting us within your loving shelter. 

Open our eyes to see through imaginary walls

That are created only for the purpose 

of sowing division and discord. 

Strengthen our minds and hands 

To build bridges and foster connections among us

Fashioning a network of compassion and love. 

May we find new ways to bask in Your Oneness

Affirming, through all that we do, 

That we who live in this world 

Will strive to be One. 

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