Thursday, June 27, 2024

New opportunities- Daily minyan original reading - June 26, 2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

June 26, 2024

Source of wisdom, 

Author of freedom, 

Beacon of peace, 

Guide us night and day

As we fashion the path of our lives. 

May our personal journeys

Be filled with joy, learning, and friendship.

May we be open to new opportunities 

For expanding our knowledge 

And fostering our own growth along our way. 

May we see ourselves in the context of community

Forging connections with people with whom we share

Perspectives and interests 

And with people who will teach us to broaden our horizons 

In a spirit of cooperation, respect and decency. 

As members of the human family, 

May our sense of Your image dwelling in every person 

Lead us to acknowledge

 the Oneness that encompasses us all. 

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