Friday, October 25, 2019

One Year after, we are still very good - October 25, 2019

B’raysheet - One Year After - October 25, 2019

What is our role in sustaining God’s creation? 
We read in the first portion of the book of Genesis
That God would stop during the process of 
Making the world come to be 
To note that what had been created was TOV good. 
It was not until the two human beings were created
That God used the words TOV M’OD - very good. 
Were the human beings still very good
When they disobeyed the rules of the garden, requiring them to 
Make for themselves a new beginning? 
Were the human beings still very good
When one, whose gift to God had not been accepted
Took his dejection out on his brother through murder,
Only to have God let all of humanity know
Not to seek revenge for that taking of a life? 
Were the human beings still very good 
When the result of their long years of life
With new generations continuously unfolding
Was a world about which God was filled with regret
Because the inclination for action among human beings
Had totally turned to evil, except for one individual?
The answer is yes. 
We are still very good. 
If there is anything that the Tree of Life Synagogue shootings taught us
It’s that, in the face of hatred and violence, 
People are capable of coming together 
in love, compassion, understanding and remembrance. 
We have learned that, in the face of the dehumanization 
that can lead to the taking of lives,
We can unite to reiterate how precious life is
And how significant are the relationships 
Which we create and sustain with each other. 
We are still very good
When we can clearly see our differences 
and realize that all people 
have something positive to add to this world. 
May we know that we are still very good 
When we offer healing to those who are in pain 
Hope to those who are in despair
And the warmth of welcome to those who feel that they have no secure place
In the human family.    
May our hands, hearts, and minds be open to fully embracing one another and this world
And offering blessings from the depth of our souls. 
Blessed are You, Eternal One, who has made us in the divine image: 
Holy, Unique, and Very Good.

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