Friday, October 18, 2019

A TIME FOR HOPE - D’var Torah - Shabbat Sukkot 5780 - October 18, 2019

Sometimes we have to start over. 

As with Moses. 

The old tablets were shattered in anger. 

The new tablets needed be created with a promise:

To follow standards that could keep people close as a community

To believe in a God who is 

Always present



Slow to anger

Abundant in kindness and dependability. 

Showing a generosity of spirit to  

Forgiving what we do wrong 

But holding us responsible 

For the long-term consequences of

Of our errors in judgment 

Borne out in misguided actions 

So we would learn from our mistakes. 

God wants us to treat each other 

As God approaches us: 

With compassion, kindness, generosity, 

As we hold each other to a high standard 

Of morality.  

It’s not about making excuses for anyone, 

But helping each other to realize our better selves

Even at a time when people have descended 

Into a darkness of the soul

That reflects a foundation of  

Anger, fear, selfishness, ridicule, 

Dishonesty and hatred.  

To everything there is a season, says Ecclesiastes,

There is a time to love and a time to hate,

And both give way, one to the other, 

In relatively rapid succession 

Over the course of many years. 

We have it in our power 

To turn the cycle back to where we want it to be. 

The fragile Sukkah, as a shelter of peace and hope,

Reminds us that when hate and fear 

Become prominent, 

It’s time to work for love. 

And when sowing conflict becomes a tool for control and power, 

It’s time to work towards cooperation and peace. 

Blessed are You, Eternal One, 

Who reminds us to strengthen our shelters, 

Even if they are fragile, 

So that we can, under their protection, 

We can move forward into the future

In unity 

With renewed faith in ourselves and in each other

And with hope. 


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