Friday, August 16, 2019

When You Rise Up - A Divine Rumination - Parashat Va-etchanan - August 16, 2019

When you rise up - Parashat Va-etchanan 5779 
“Recite them when you stay at home, 
when you lie down and when you rise up.”
This is what I told you, long, long ago 
So that the words I commanded would begin your day
and resonate with you and guide you with every step you would take. 
But now I see that rising up requires so much more.  
I have watched your struggles, 
your trials and your triumphs, 
your despair and your survival.
So if I were to command you once again, I might say this....
Rise up to justice
Which moves beyond personal biases 
To promoting complete fairness for all people among you. 
Rise up to freedom 
Recognizing that this does not mean that you can do or say anything
But that you can join with others in agreement 
And even in disagreement
And still call yourselves friends, neighbors and communal partners. 
Rise up to gratitude
Acknowledging the ways in which you are blessed 
Wittingly and unwittingly
Expectedly and unexpectedly 
By friends and by strangers, by planned celebrations
And by the spontaneity of a cherished moment. 
Rise up to humility 
Accepting and appreciating how others helped you to get where you are
So that you will see yourself as one of many who can make a difference
Rather than the only one who should have say, influence or power.
Rise up to integrity 
So that you will realize that acquiring and maintaining a good name 
May be the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to your community. 
Rise up to peace 
So that you will see ways to help people step above conflict 
To find ways to live, side-by-side, that will benefit both friends and foes. 
Rise up to love 
that will encompass yourself, the people around you, the world, 
and all of creation, so that you will be able to stop yourself
when causing harm might be a temptation 
Acting, instead, on the best impulses and intentions inside of you
that will affirm the commonalities that could bring you close to one another. 
Rise up to hope,
So that you will see even the smallest glimmer of light in the deepest darkness,
Making it possible for humanity to respond to indifference and evil 
With compassion, kindness and a commitment to practicing goodness that I have placed deep inside of you. 
Rise up to holiness
So that we can work together to bring repair and healing to this world. 
“Recite them when you stay at home, when you lie down and when you rise up.”
I have created you with the potential to rise up to the best that is in you.
Know that every morning, when you open your eyes, I will be with you as you rise up once again. 

1 comment:

  1. Rise up justice
    Rise up freedom
    Rise up gratitude
    Rise up humility
    Rise up integrity
    Rise up peace
    Rise up love
    Rise up hope
    Rise up holiness

    Nice start to this morning. Thanks.
