Thursday, August 15, 2019

Help us to hold on - D’var Torah - Temple Beth-El Las Cruces Board Meeting - August 15, 2019

Eternal God, 

Beloved Guide,

Dedicated Companion, 

Help us to hold on to our heritage. 

Teach us new ways to keep Your words

Of respect, love, support, justice, and peace

On our lips 

When we lie down and when we rise up. 

Help us to hold on to our freedom. 

Turn our minds back to the many experiences 

Of our people

From the time they went forth from slavery to freedom 

To eras when liberty came at the cost of being treated 

As despised and persecuted second-class citizens 

To centuries when emancipation and enlightenment 

Brought decades of trial and tragedy

That gave way to incredible progress and understanding. 

Help us hold on to our community. 

Promote in our hearts an openness that will enable us

To truly hear one another

To speak our minds with honesty

To approach disagreement with a generosity of spirit

And to relish consensus and agreement as one of Your 

Constant miracles in our midst. 

Help us to hold on to our values 

So that compassion, patience, kindness, commitment, and trust

Will lead us to be ever closer to one another 

And to members of the human family throughout the world. 

Help us to hold on to You, 

Our Creator, 

Our Sustainer, 

Our Rock, 

Our Protector, 

Our Hope. 


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