Thursday, May 10, 2018

Invocation - Temple Beth-El Las Cruces NM Annual Meeting - May 10, 2018

Eternal God, 

Ancient One, 

Present One,

Who accompanies us along our life’s path, 

Be with us as we mark another year of 

Sustaining Jewish life at Temple Beth-El in Las Cruces. 

Open our eyes to see our successes reflected in the smiles

And closeness of members of all ages. 

Open our ears to listen to each other’s needs, ideas, concerns, 

And expressions of connection that reflect the ties that bind us together. 

Open our hearts to the possibility of finding purpose and meaning

In our study, in our worship, in our work that we accomplish side-by-side,

In our service to our neighbors in our city, 

And in relationships that could move towards fellowship and even friendship. 

May we, as part of the greater Jewish world, 

Preserve the heritage and tradition that has been passed down to us, 

And may we enhance its content and values so that what we transmit

To the next generation

Will bear the stamp of our commitment, our experience and our wisdom. 

May you, God of our years, continue to firmly establish and bless the work of hands

With every task undertaken in this space and community

Dedicated to the service of You, our Creator, our Teacher, our Hope. 


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