Thursday, August 29, 2024

Spread Your insight, Share Your love - Daily Minyan reading - August 29, 2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

August 29, 2024

Eternal One, 

Source of light and wisdom, 

Shine Your goodness upon us,

So that we will treat our neighbors 

with kindness and generosity. 

Spread Your insight among us, 

So that we will attain greater understanding 

Of our similarities and differences 

That will enable us to maintain unity 

That we might otherwise believe to be

Beyond our reach. 

Share Your love within our hearts 

So that we will apply all of our senses 

To view all people as possible partners

In our constant quest for communal cooperation 

And worldwide peace. 

Be with us every moment

As we journey towards a oneness among us

That will mirror the Oneness that is You. 

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