Tuesday, August 20, 2024

May we emanate light - Daily minyan reading- August 20, 2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

August 20, 2024

God our Creator, 

Eternal One, our Sustainer, 

May we be among those who emanate light 

Even when darkness surrounds us, 

May we engender wisdom 

Even when some turn away from valuable insights

May we proclaim a message of persistent hope

Even when other voices speak only of despair 

May we engender selfless acts of kindness and compassion

Even when there are neighbors who turn their attention only to themselves 

May we not shy away from a love of humanity that transcends difference

Even when people among us view diversity as a weakness. 

May we declare the love of One God 

That could serve to unite us

And to envelop us in a shelter of protection 

Even when some would challenge the basis of our faith. 

Be with us, Rock and Redeemer, as we confidently recite 

ancient words that affirm Your presence in our lives. 

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