Thursday, May 23, 2024

Sparks of Hope - Daily Minyan Original Reading- May 23,2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

May 23, 2024

Creator of the Universe, 

In times of challenge and despair, 

Help us to discover within us 

Sparks of hope

Glimmers of goodness

Traces of compassion 

Morsels of kindness

Whispers of wonder

Touches of tenderness

That will enable us

 to reach into ourselves

And recover a generous and joyous spirit

To reach out to others 

To offer strength, support and sustenance

And to reach for You

Who opens our eyes to the oneness of the world

That seeks to bring balance between justice and mercy 

So that darkness will be overcome by light

And hatred will be overshadowed by love.  

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