Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Under this Moon - Thoughts on the November 8, 2002 Lunar Eclipse from an observer

Under this moon,
Newly concealed for brief moments
Early on this morning, 
Some are sleeping.  
Some are awake.  
Everyone in this country
And on this planet, 
Gaze at this moon in wonder. 
I don’t know what hopes and ideals
Are in the minds and hearts of others. 
I have always thought 
That our presence together 
Should lead us to share our amazement
To seek common ground 
To recognize that this cosmic event
Should remind us that 
So much is not in our control 
And that there is so much we don’t know 
About the workings of the universe
And the possibilities within creation,
Meaning that 
We should be humble and accepting
Of the realities all around us. 
Some would suggest and impose understandings
That ignore and even reject existing diversity 
Others might say that there is no reason to acknowledge
That we all deserve an opportunity to stand together 
Within the same awe 
As equals 
As this earth continues on its incredible journey. 
I will not impose, ignore, or reject 
Actual truth and accumulated knowledge
Put forth not by those who seek power, 
But by those fellow members of humanity 
Who still see miracles 
In the heavens, in beautiful landscapes 
And in the desire to act with compassion and decency
That will allow the eclipse to end
And let the light shine once again.

(Original lunar eclipse photo on a cloudy morning, 4:21 am CST, Overland Park, KS)

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