Wednesday, March 2, 2022

“Into This World” - A Prayer for Peace for all of us and for the people of Ukraine

  A cousin of mine, after Shabbat services at Beth Shalom Synagogue in Overland Park, Kansas on February 26, called me that evening to ask me if I knew of the “Prayer for Peace” in Siddur Sim Shalom (a photo of the page is below), a translation of a prayer by Rabbi Nathan Sternhartz/Nathan of Breslov, the chief disciple and scribe of Rabbi Nachman.   The Prayer for Peace took on greater meaning that Shabbat because the war in Ukraine had just begun, and Rabbi Nathan was from Ukraine. 
    My cousin wondered what I might do to set it to music, 
   After reading the prayer, which I have seen before, I didn’t see a way to add a melody to the prayer word for word. Instead, I thought that I could use the prayer as a starting point for something new, incorporating some of the words of the prayer into the lyrics.   
    My cousin presented this prayer to me while I was struggling with an ongoing creative block. I had just received an email with quotes about getting beyond such a block.   The advice seemed to work. 
   Another impetus to complete the song was the current situation in Ukraine.  This song is very much dedicated to their courage and to the hope that they will, once again, be able to sustain their world in positive ways. 

   Here is the link on YouTube:
Larry Karol sings “Into This World”

Into this World 

By Larry Karol 

February 28, 2022

Inspired by “Prayer for Peace” in the SIDDUR SIM SHALOM prayerbook

(The Rabbinical Assembly/USCJ) s

Dedicated to the people of Ukraine 

Why have we come into this world?

To learn  

To teach 

To give 

Why have we come into this world?

To grow 

To seek 

To live 

God of compassion

Give us the courage 

To work for the day 

when all people are free 

Let Justice flow like a river 

Let Peace fill the earth as waters fill the sea

Why have we come into this world?

To console 

To heal 

To share 

Why have we come into This  world?

To praise 

To build

To care 

God of compassion

Give us the courage 

To work for the day 

when all people are free 

Let Justice flow like a river 

Let Peace fill the earth as waters fill the sea

Why have we come into this world?

To help 

To hope

To calm our fear 

Why have we come into this world?

To speak

To sing

To hear 

God of compassion

Give us the courage 

To work for the day 

when all people are free 

Let Justice flow like a river 

Let Peace fill the earth as waters fill the sea

Why have we come into this world?

To return

To restore

To forgive

Why have we come into this world?

To stand 

To lead 

To live 

God of compassion

Give us the courage 

To work for the day 

when all people are free 

Let Justice flow like a river 

Let love fill the earth as waters fill the sea

Let Justice flow like a river 

Let love fill the earth as waters fill the sea

From SIDDUR SIM SHALOM (with gratitude and respect for the inclusion of this prayer in the Siddur) 

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