Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Shofar’s Call - September 19, 2020

This Shofar presented a call today (through me). 
It is a call for truth over blind acceptance.
It is a call for freedom that admits who has really been able to partake of freedom for our nation’s history (not everyone), and who should be able to live in true freedom (everyone)!
It is a call for rights that must be balanced by a sense of responsibility, for preserving one’s well being in a way that sustains the well being of others. 
It is a call for justice for all, not just fairness and privilege for some. 
It is a call that directs us to recognize the divine image in every person, and not to pretend that a colorblind society leads, in and of itself, to true equality. 
It is a call for us to be humble enough to admit our mistakes, patient enough to help others improve their character, and steadfast enough in our rejection of arrogance and evil that true peace and unity could descend upon us, even unexpectedly.
It is a call for heroes and helpers, teachers and experts, allies and friends, and even open-minded opponents to come together to meet challenges with courage and wisdom. 
It is a call to love and compassion and hope.
The Shofar presented a call through me today.  
This time, I know that I must listen and act.

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