Monday, July 4, 2022

I don’t kneel when I pray - July 4, 2022

July 4, 2022

I don’t kneel when I pray.
It is not in my religious tradition or heritage to do so. 
Bow? Bend the knee?  Yes, at certain times, during public worship. 
I don’t kneel when I pray. 
If I did, I would not do so at the 50 yard-line,
Letting people know that I am doing it in order to make a point
So that they will join me and bring attention to an act that,
When done alone, quietly, can be accomplished with humility, 
Yet, when practiced publicly, perhaps praying in such a way that leaves out people of other faiths, or those who don’t profess a faith, 
That humility disappears. 
I don’t kneel when I pray.  
Today, as our country turns 246, 
I do not kneel. 
However, I do pray.  
Sitting, quietly. 
I pray
For the people who have died in yet another mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois and those affected by the trauma of the moment;
For freedom and safety for the citizens of Ukraine, who continue to face the arrogance of their neighbor to the east that does not seem to want to let them live;
For the women and families whose reproductive choices have been upended by appointed and confirmed purveyors of justice who have left them open to those who would impose their beliefs on all citizens; 
For the opening of closed minds of administrators, teachers and students in schools that would accept public funds to perpetuate their perspectives that define certain people out of their circle of salvation and acceptance;
For an end to attempts to ignore the difficult parts of the past and present of our nation, where denial of the humanity of natives, slaves, arriving immigrants aspiring citizens and many others, for many reasons, continues to close too many eyes to the wonders of our diversity. 
Still, I pray
For the creativity and ingenuity that can extend opportunity to all people. 
For the embrace of anyone who would join our national experiment in order to build it up, rather than to tear it down;
For compassion towards our neighbors and towards people in need, realizing that we can, if we so desire, fashion a “gilded age” not of possessions and power, but of hearts of gold that will bring us together in solidarity for agreed-upon truth and growing freedom, rejecting demagoguery and a thirst for power and encourageing partnership and coming to shared understandings; 
For walking, side-by-side, with members of our communities and with people across our planet, recognizing that we have a world that needs cherishing and preserving, for us and for future generations. 
I don’t kneel when I pray. 
I don’t ask or demand that anyone else pray. 
I don’t need anyone else to pray in my way. 
Still, I pray, with words of my heritage, 
Praising the Source of existence
Who, I believe,
Keeps us alive
Sustains us
And brings us to each new day, and each new year,
So that we can make this world a place of hope 
And joy
And love
And peace.

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