Thursday, April 14, 2022

I sing praise - Pesach 5782

I sing praise 

to recall 

The people who crossed the sea 

at the very beginnings of their freedom

Those who stood with one another 

In a magnificent space of worship 

And played and intoned melodies 

That drew them together 

I sing praise

For those in exile who found a way

To share the psalms of their youth

In a strange land

For those who returned with a revitalized spirit

To their homes and their Temple 

And gave voice to their faith 

From the depths of their soul 

I sing praise

For those exiled again

Who prayed in song in smaller and remote spaces

And studied with one another in a rhythm 

That was like wisdom-driven percussion 

I sing praise

For the members of communities who developed different styles and traditions, with disparate tunes for nearly-identical texts, but who, with common language, 

Found a way to connect through those holy and shared words.  

I sing praise 

For Seder songs that I heard in my home as my father and his brothers passed down the family musical tradition for the festival of freedom

I sing praise

For my mentors, teachers, family members and friends who have inspired me to continue to sing songs of liberation and peace that  will accompany us as we cross the sea again and again. 

I sing praise 

In my heart and mind

As the Author of Freedom 

Listens and sings back 

In eternal harmony. 


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