Saturday, March 23, 2019

Invocation for Temple Beth-El Las Cruces Board meeting - Purim’s Lessons - March 21, 2019

Eternal One, 

Creator and Sustainer of All,

Help to those in distress, 

Support to those targeted through hatred

Inspiration to those who seek to treat others with respect and love, 

Enable us to see the Divine Image in which every person was fashioned. 

Teach us to engage in dialogue even when it might seem impossible. 

Grant us the patience to sustain conversations 

to the point of finding common ground. 

Remind us that face-to-face discussions 

can turn misunderstandings into newly shared perspectives. 

Keep us far from accusations that have no basis

Distance us from information about any person 

that has no grounding in fact or reality.

Empower us to overcome barriers 

that assist assist the insidious spread of fear and animosity. 

Unite us in our resolve to build a community 

that reflects the vision of Your Oneness,

Where cooperation, compassion and partnership 

facilitate the formation of lasting bonds of relationship and friendship. 

Be with us, 

And walk alongside us in our work to make our sacred space

And this entire world 

A true Bayt-El, a house filled with Your presence. 


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