Tuesday, July 24, 2018

I am a stone that fell - July 24, 2018

I fell.
I didn’t realize it at first.
I had been in that cozy spot on the wall for two millenia.
Then, I realized, below me, was a structure that was not stone.
Then I remembered a short flight through the air
And that took me back
To my beginnings.
I was hewn from rock outside a shining, beautiful city, and transported slowly to my destination.
I could sense thousands of stones around me
Ready to be added to the next row
As the structure ascended to the top. 
I was put in my spot, affixed with other stones above, beside and below me.
There was a time that I could hear the horns sounding
And I could feel the vibrations of footsteps
Ascending the nearby stairway to a place above me.
There was singing, rejoicing, not just during a few times
When many people gathered there
But a small steady flow, every single day.
Then there was a sudden upheaval.  
Stones above me fell.
Some remained below me ever since their displacement.
New ones were added above me.
There were new and different sounds. 
Different languages.  
New names for the recipient of the prayers that were offered.  
There was majesty, and conflict, and majesty again
In this city that was a flashpoint among the people
Who sought to lay claim to it.
I knew that my builders were long gone,
But came to hear a cacophony of pronouncements
That, to me, sounded like a symphony.
You see, I couldn’t take sides
In the battles that raged around me
I could only do my best to maintain my place
In this wall that had lasted so long.
I understand that people wonder if walls have ears.
For that, I have no answer.
I only know that I, myself, have always heard
The prayers
The debates
The declarations
The edicts
The protests
The misunderstandings
And the attempts to bring
As part of a wall
And a community of stones
That had stood for so long
I was always pulling for the latter – cooperation, harmony, and peace.
Only lately, I realized how tired I had become to hold up this wall
Which became difficult
Without the full support of those walking above, below, and near me
Who mostly approached me with parallel appreciation of my presence
Rather than in a shared wonder at how long I and my comrades had endured. 
It was enough for me to have lasted this long.
So I fell.
I leave it now to others to finish the work
Of binding the people together, somehow, some way
So that they will join in repairing this wall
Without accusation,
With coordinated action.
With love.
And with hope
For the millenia to come.