Thursday, December 22, 2011

Creating a Culture of Honor for a Kehilah Kedoshah – A Sacred Community - December 22, 2011 (D'var Torah for Board meeting and for 3rd Night of Chanukah 5772)

K’VOD HABAYIT - Honoring this house: Respect this environment and building – clean up after yourself. 
K’VOD HAMAKOM – Honoring this place: Respect the Temple as a center for learning, gathering and worship.
K’VOD HACHAVERIM - Respecting fellow members: Speak kindly to anyone of any age and treat them in ways that you want to be treated, whether in polite conversation or heated discussion;  be accepting of differences in background and opinion, while always taking the opportunity to remind one another that we are all valued members of the community.   Remember to say excuse me, I'm sorry, please, and thank you at the right moment.  Always seek peace in this House of God - Beit Eil. 
K’VOD HAK’HILAH – Honoring the community: Respect what people give to the congregation, especially their knowledge and time and care. Learn and live the values of the congregation and Judaism within the Temple walls and throughout the community.
K’VOD HALIMUD – Honoring study: Respect what everyone adds to Temple as a learning community.
K'VOD HA-EMET - Honoring the truth - Be honest and forthright in communication in a way that is supportive and respectful, so that sharing the truth will lead to communal and personal growth.
K'VOD HADOROT -  Honoring the generations - recognize the special ways in which members of all ages add to the richness of the congregation and remember that we all have something to teach and learn from one another across the different stages of life.
K'VOD HATZIBUR - Honoring the general community - do not separate yourself from the needs and hopes of local citizens and of those living in the state, nation and world -  offer the best of Jewish values to our neighbors to create greater understanding and further tikkun olam, the healing and repair of humankind and the earth on which we live.  

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