Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sounds of Unity - Daily Minyan Reading - September 17, 2024

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah 
Facebook Live Daily Minyan
Original Reading
September 17, 2024

There are sounds the resound across the generations
There are declarations that retain their meaning throughout history
If we see one another as human beings 
Deserving of respect and acceptance 
On this day, in the history of this nation that provides us with safe harbor, 
Those special sounds, preserved in a secular yet revered document, are carefully selected words in English, 
That have meaning beyond their vernacular 
People - AM
Tranquility - SHALOM
Blessings of liberty - BIRCHOT HACHEIRUT
Our daily prayers ask our Divine Author of Freedom 
To Sound the great shofar of Freedom 
As we hear the sound of the shofar on this 14th day 
Of the month of Elul as the New Year approaches,
May these sounds bring us a sense of unity, tranquility, freedom, and TIKVAH -  hope. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The radiance of Your essence - Daily Minyan reading - September 10, 2021

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
September 10, 2024

Creator of Light, 
Source of wisdom and truth, 
Infuse our hearts with the radiance of Your essence
That reaches deep into our souls 
And guides our vision 
As we turn our eyes towards our neighbors 
And search for Your shining face reflected in their eyes. 
Extend the boundaries of our minds 
To consider possibilities for policies and solutions 
That will enhance the nature of our communal relationships
So that they will be founded upon the commitment, 
Compassion, fairness, respect, goodness and kindness 
That flows from Your everlasting Oneness 
That can enable us to also be One.   
Blessed are You, Eternal One, 
Who has granted us a measure of Your glory 
That will provide us with the strength and perseverance
To lead and to love 
One to another.