Monday, July 22, 2024

Blessed by Your Oneness - Daily Minyan Reading - July 22, 2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

July 22, 2024

Creator of the Universe,

Source of our deepest wisdom, 

You have given us the ability 

To express wonder at the beauty of this world

An appreciation of the vast range of colors surrounding us

A capacity to connect with your creations

In ways that enhance their existence and ours

And to gaze at awe-inspiring vistas, rare celestial events, 

And amazing sunrises and sunsets. 

You have opened our eyes to the incredible diversity

Of the human community

Touched with the divine image

Imbued with the potential 

To bring souls together

To discover common ground 

Even when we fear that differences 

might drive us apart. 

We pray that, when we seek unity, 

It will be a harmony and balance blessed by Your Oneness 

And accomplished through respect, partnership, and compromise, 

All founded upon the foundation of Your everlasting love. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Bound together in hope - Daily Minyan reading - July 16, 2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

July 16, 2024

God of our ancestors 

Who lived through challenges and turmoil, 

Times of despair 

as well as milestones of joy and achievement, 

Be with us now 

As we seek peace and rest every night 

So that we will have renewed strength to 

Face the day to come. 

Hold us in Your infinite wisdom 

 so that our experiences and commitment

Will enable us to build bridges across ideological divides.

Support us in Your shelter of blessing

So that we can reach out to those who are hurting 

In a way that they will accept our sincere efforts 

to offer our care and help.

Guide us to keep our focus on the sacred ties of love 

That hold us together as partners 

And direct us to refuse to give in 

to the temptation to wield power

in ways that will cause freedom and justice

To depart from this world.  

When we speak of unity, may it be based 

Not on a human definition, narrow in its scope,

But, rather, may it derive from the Oneness 

That emanates from Your presence 

Which serves as the foundation of our very existence

As members of one family, bound together in hope. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Guide us along - Daily Minyan Original Reading - July 11, 2024

Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading 

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

July 11, 2024

Eternal Creator, 

Fashioner of the cycle of night and day, 

Shepherd of the sun, moon, planets and stars, 

Guide us along the journey of our lives 

So that we will find new ways to shine within ourselves

And for others, 

Sharing the light of our knowledge and wisdom,

Emanating with a spirit of optimism and commitment

That will further freedom and justice in the human community, 

And exuding compassion that will reach the darkest corners

Of despair among us

In order to provide support, help and hope. 

In times when power is used to create division and derision, 

May we be beacons of love and acceptance 

That will lead to greater unity

And an ever-growing recognition of the Oneness that we share

Because of You

And within You 

At the core of our very existence

And of our persistent presence in this wondrous world.