Tuesday, January 17, 2023
What we may yet do - our potential- January 17, 2023
Friday, January 13, 2023
What keeps me up at night - January 13, 2023
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Coming to America - Two generations later - January 10, 2023
Friday, January 6, 2023
On Pursuing Leadership
To reach the summit
For which you have aspired for so long,
What did you give?
What did you take?
What did you give away?
What did you retain as valuable to you?
Do you still have self-respect?
Do you have respect for others?
Do. you want to serve all or only some?
Have you been driven by hatred?
Have you been motivated by love or fellowship?
Have you sought to sow division or to overcome it?
Have you approach disagreement with even an ounce of doubt?
Have you placed power over principle?
Have you, in seeking the control that you have craved, lost control?
Is authority an end in itself to you, or does it carry with it, in your perspective,
Solemn responsibility?
When they challenge you, will you take a stand
Or will you capitulate and crumble?
Are there still tenets of leadership for you that are yet to be defended
Or have they disappeared
In your climb
To the summit?
History will remember
We will watch and remember
Every step of your journey
All that came before
All that is happening in the here and now
And all that will follow.
And who, ultimately,
Will tell
Your story?