Sunday, January 17, 2021

My thoughts after watching raw footage (from the NEW YORKER) of January 6, 2021 at the US Capitol

Some leaders only want to hold on to their power
Even if it takes 
Perpetrating lies and suspicion before established procedures
To determine their worthiness. 
If those procedures don’t work
Those leaders have, at least, two choices:
Accept the results 
Or say the results were fraudulent and incorrect. 
In this pandemic year, 
The suspicion proponents objected to adjustments
In procedures 
That would allow more citizens to vote 
Securely and safely
Without having to risk their lives. 
Challenges to those procedures 
That have been created by courts and 
Wise election officials
were questioned all along 
But most changes were affirmed as legal
And appropriate
During a persistent pandemic. 
Yet, attempts to limit voter access 
Creation by the suspicious ones of 
Fraudulent drop boxes for mail in ballots
To soil and undermine the voting the process
Did not prevent what election officials 
And intelligence experts termed
A fair and free and smooth election, 
Amazingly enough. 
As returns came in, 
Processing of large numbers of mail-in ballots
Were termed as “theft” or “fake”
Claims of observers having only limited access
When rules were being followed
And accusations about voting machines 
(Which subsided as those companies sued their accusers) 
Because those who questioned the election 
Just couldn’t believe the outcome
That their “chosen one” 
Had lost to someone he had called a “loser” 
And much worse. 
It was not the media that called the election by itself
But the media in response to the state officials 
Who certified their state results
Sometimes after pressure from the incumbent
Sometimes after claims that they were criminal
In their actions 
Sometimes from members of their own party
Who just could not believe what happened. 
The incumbent, and his legislative 
And rank-and-file supporters
Continued subvert a smooth transition 
With calls of “steal” 
Which, for some, only ended 
After the failure of nearly every court challenge 
That found no widespread wrongdoing 
No fraud
And conscience. 
The continued claims of “fraud” and steal” 
Created a pandemic of conspiracies 
On top of conspiracies 
And expressions of 
the “Steal believers” feeling 
Disappointed and disenfranchised. 
You know what.....
I have personally felt disenfranchised
By the presidential results 
Eight times in my memory 
Seven times as a voter. 
Yet, for some reason, I did not storm ANYTHING.
I did protest the candidates with quiet words 
That sometimes became louder and,
Occasionally, public expressions 
But I would never have done what 
I saw on January 6.  
Candidates may lose because of smear campaigns
Lies in political advertising 
Revelations of their own misdeeds and personal foibles
And as a consequence of poor leadership and decision making. 
No candidate or leader gets it right all the time. 
However, when lives have been lost 
And deaths from a deadly pandemic 
Have been ignored, dismissed, or practically swept under the rug
In favor of claiming victory with the creation of vaccines
And people are told by many leaders that they still deserve
To be in power
It can lead to 
What happened on that day
That has emboldened some of those 
Who accepted at face value
What the incumbent told them. 
At a time like this 
We need
accountability from those who trespassed buildings and norms
Sincere apologies that might lead to forgiveness and healing
Dispelling of theories that have no basis
Acceptance of each other’s humanity
Agreeable disagreement 
Respectful discourse 
And a little more love and peace in our lives. 
It’s time to start on that journey.  

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