Tuesday, January 17, 2023

What we may yet do - our potential- January 17, 2023

Original reading for
Facebook Live Daily Minyan
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah 
Overland Park, KS
January 17, 2023

Eternal Creator
Who rolls light from darkness
And darkness from light, 
Open our eyes to see clearly
Whether in bright sunlight
Or in the deepest night
Our potential 
To engender understanding 
To advocate for equality 
To foster cooperation 
To approach others with respect
To offer support with full compassion 
To engage in relationships founded on peace
To spread love that will further
Your presence among us
And lead us to acknowledge Your Oneness 
From one generation to the next. 
Open our eyes and minds and hearts
As we strive to be one with each other
And one with You.

Friday, January 13, 2023

What keeps me up at night - January 13, 2023

I have gone to conferences and been asked this question.  I thought it was time to delineate a response.  

What keeps me up at night…

That the poor will become poorer
That the rich will become richer
That lies will not matter and be seen as truths
That truths will not matter and be considered lies
That empathy will turn totally into disdain 
That compassion will be replaced by contempt 
That bullying words will inexorably lead to violent acts
That acceptance of diversity will be labeled a crime 
That lack of conformity in belief will be cause for persecution and prosecution 
That honesty will only be seen as a weakness
That decency will be ridiculed as a path for fools 
That chaos will supplant order 
That rules will be barriers made only to be broken
That evil will be rewarded as “good”
And goodness and kindness will be driven underground 
That justice only for some will prevail over fairness for all
That dehumanization of the stranger will become the absolute norm
That superiority of some will lead to their demonization of potential partners for progress 
But that somewhere, sometime 
Glimmers of light 
Seeds of hope 
Strains of harmony
Consistent cooperation 
And even love
Will bring sustenance 
And change
And truly fashion
A new day
And make 
Peaceful sleep 
Once again.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Coming to America - Two generations later - January 10, 2023

Our time in the Kansas City area has given me the opportunity to further explore my family story of chain migration between 1900 and 1910.  My paternal grandmother’s brother arrived with his wife in Kansas City from Russia/Poland, and then brought to the United States his siblings, his mother, and at least two cousins.  I have not counted the number of descendants that resulted from one couple being the anchor family, but there are MANY!   There are so many stories like this, where people looking for a better life in the United States were able to work, live, raise families, and contribute to local life.   
    I discovered that, after officiating at a local funeral a few months ago, I had been standing in the presence of cousins, who were the great-grandchildren of that first couple that came, my great uncle and great aunt.  A relative of that family attends services at Temple regularly.  Other cousins who are part of this tale have attended services as well.  Taking part in a B’nai Mitzvah a few months ago brought together some of the descendants of the original wave of arrivals 110 plus years ago.  
   This is the story I see in migration to the United States at any time, even now, without suspicion and dehumanization of those who would aspire to become American citizens.  
    In reading the book AND THERE WAS LIGHT by Jon Meacham, there is an account of the “Know-Nothing” nativist party/movement that began in the 1850s, bringing together people who spread rumors about new arrivals to the United States trying to subvert the national civil and religious order.   This was but one chapter, preceded by some and followed by others, of the galvanization of anti-immigrant sentiments.   
   We have never needed such a movement to take hold, but it did, which led to restrictive immigration policies in the 1920s, well before the Great Depression could have been cited as a reason not to allow more new arrivals.  
   The origin point of immigrants may be different now than before, but the attitudes have not changed, with the current presence of those who would hope to create active pathways to citizenship and others who would seek to keep our “golden door” closed as tightly as possible.  
   I just know that people who seek to live in the United States deserve care, consideration, support, and an opportunity, if only we could find it in our hearts to provide it.   My grandparents had that chance, and, for that, I am grateful.

Friday, January 6, 2023

On Pursuing Leadership

To reach the summit

For which you have aspired for so long,

What did you give? 

What did you take?

What did you give away? 

What did you retain as valuable to you? 

Do you still have self-respect? 

Do you have respect for others? 

Do. you want to serve all or only some? 

Have you been driven by hatred? 

Have you been motivated by love or fellowship? 

Have you sought to sow division or to overcome it? 

Have you approach disagreement with even an ounce of doubt? 

Have you placed power over principle? 

Have you, in seeking the control that you have craved, lost control? 

Is authority an end in itself to you, or does it carry with it, in your perspective, 

Solemn responsibility? 

When they challenge you, will you take a stand 

Or will you capitulate and crumble? 

Are there still tenets of leadership for you that are yet to be defended

Or have they disappeared 

In your climb 

To the summit? 

History will remember

We will watch and remember

Every step of your journey

All that came before 

All that is happening in the here and now

And all that will follow. 

And who, ultimately, 

Will tell

Your story?

Monday, January 2, 2023

Enduring Oneness - Reading for Daily Minyan - January 2, 2023

Original Reading
For the Facebook live daily minyan of
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
Overland Park, KS
January 2, 2023

Eternal God, 
Source of light and wisdom, 
Open our eyes
To see the miracles around us
That have the power to inspire us
To fashion wondrous progress of our own
That will enable us to preserve 
This amazing world in which we live. 
Enlighten our minds 
With understanding and insight
That will direct us
To practice acceptance
To see beyond our own limits
So that we can truly hear the voices of our neighbors
Beyond divisions
Despite difference
Leading us to hope and even unity. 
May Your Presence be with us.
May Your Oneness guide us 
To seek an enduring oneness among us
Every night, 
Every day.