Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Morning Questions (based on the Tefillah/Amidah prayers in Jewish Liturgy)

Questions inspired by the Tefillah/Amidah, the central part of the Jewish worship service (created during the Songleader Boot Camp National Conference Morning service)

How do we honor our ancestors?
How do we appreciate everything around us?
How do we strive for holiness? 
How do we use our knowledge to better this world? 
How can we make turn our mistakes into opportunities for healing and growth? 
How can we forgive others and ourselves enough to move on? 
How can we muster the strength inside of us to overcome the challenges life places before us? 
How can we care enough about ourselves and one another to bring complete healing? 
How can we appreciate the gifts of this world and assure that their sustenance will endure? 
How can we see all people in the world as being gathered together in one family? 
How can we promote a justice that truly acknowledges the equality inherent in all human beings? 
How can we turn the dark corners of evil in the world into centers of light and good? 
How can we clearly recognize the righteous among us and follow their example? 
How can we bring peace into places where it continues to elude us? 
How can we bring salvation and deliverance to each other through compassion and connection? 
How can our prayers enable us to rise up to the best people we can be? 
How can we generously share our spirit with others? 
How can we approach life with gratitude in ways that can enhance our own lives and our community? 
How can we be peacemakers in a world that needs so much more peace?

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