Friday, April 10, 2020

Five Promises - Passover 5780/2020 and an introduction to Chad Gadya - for the Passover Seder

Five promises: Passover 5780 - Rabbi Larry Karol
And God promised the people again, 
Safe in their homes during this challenging and precarious time, “I am the Eternal One. 
You have gathered for many years to seek My presence. 
Now, I am, as I have always been, with you. 
I will create connections between you even though you may feel isolated. You are not alone. 
I will grant you a sense of freedom and openness in your places of refuge and safety. What you have will be not only enough, but more than enough. 
I will liberate your souls with ingenuity and creativity so that light will dwell inside you and around you. 
I will link every home, one to another, so that a virtual BEIT K’NESSET, a House of Gathering, will
encompass all of you. I will be at your side as you move through this passage to a promised land of hope. 
And I will accompany you to a place of health and love. 
I, the Eternal One.”

Before the singing of Chad Gadya in the Seder...

Life is short. Life is precious. Sometimes we forget, and the world forgets. There is violence. There is
disease, and we do our best to contain it, to control it, and to bring healing. There is a thirst for power.
There is selfishness. There are attempts to protect and defend ourselves that may deny life’s value. So let us remember: when Chad Gadya ends, God is there. The father/parent is there. The narrator - the child - is there. May we be Angels of Life for one another in a world that needs our love, our perseverance, and our hope. (Rabbi Larry Karol, April 2, 2020) 

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