Thursday, February 20, 2020

Fairness, Justice and Balance - Invocation for Temple Beth-El Las Cruces Board Meeting - February 20, 2020 (for Parashat Mishpatim)

Eternal God, 

Lawgiver, Guide, Creator,

You have provided us with a roadmap to integrity 

In Your Torah. 

We learn to show fairness and to promote justice

without preference.

We are instructed to show consideration and respect to those people 

Who may oppose us and hate us, 

Even when our impulse might be to rescind our kindness

When we have an opportunity to show it. 

We are directed to remain distant from anyone who would levy a false 

Charge against an innocent person, 

Because through our silence or our verbal assent to the those 

Who would invent such untruths, 

We become accomplices in their crime, whether it is discovered or not. 

The Torah demands that we refuse to take bribes, which can 

Turn the tables of justice so that a guilty person can escape scrutiny or eventual punishment.  

And we know,  Our true judge, that You would want us to remove our support from anyone who would take a bribe to that immoral and illegal end. 

As members of a greater community, we have taken to heart your command to treat the poor and the stranger with compassion and with generosity, having been strangers in so many lands in which we have lived, facing difficult conditions and seeking to overcome threats to our very well-being. 

So now, as we look towards the future, seeking to sustain goodness and holiness in our world, give us hope and strength so that our steps will be firm and our vision far-reaching to spread throughout humanity righteousness, acceptance, and love. 

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