Monday, September 9, 2019

Shofars at the Border - Prayer at the “Shofar Across Borders” event with Jewish communities from El Paso, Juarez and Las Cruces - September 8, 2019

This event was organized by the Jewish Federation of Greater El Paso - last held in 2015.  

As we sound the shofar at the border

May we remember that this spot, for many centuries, had no wall. 

As we sound the shofar at the border, 

May we recognize people and wildlife once passed freely on this land. 

As we sound the shofar at the border, 

May we listen carefully to hear the sounds of travelers of the past, moving back and forth in all directions, whether they were members of the native population as well as visitors who became residents. 

As we sound the shofar at the border,

May we recall the haven that many Jews found south of the Border when the immigration laws north of the border did not allow them in. 

As we sound the shofar at the border, 

May we feel compassion for people who have encountered a closed fist rather than an open hand, whether as citizens of their own country or in an attempt to safely pass from one nation to another.  

As we sound the shofar at the border, 

May we affirm that the bonds of the worldwide Jewish community transcend this border and others, as we share our prayers, our history, and our hope. 

As we sound the shofar at the border, 

May God watch over all of us and preserve in us mutual respect and human decency. 

As we sound the shofar at the border,

May the calls we hear bring us blessing for a happy and healthy new year, a year in which the mercy that God shows us on the High Holy Days will flow among all human beings in a spirit of cooperation and love. 

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