Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Small Steps forward - November 28, 2023
Monday, November 27, 2023
Even in the deepest darkness - Daily Minyan reading - November 27, 2023
Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
November 27, 2023
Merciful One,
Creator and Sustainer of us all,
Share Your light with us
So that, even in the deepest darkness,
Those who are lost will be found;
Those who have been held captive
Will come home;
Those who harbor only hatred in their hearts
Will turn towards acceptance;
Those who seek to sow chaos and
Who thrive on conflict
Will open their eyes to the miraculous peace
Embedded in ongoing cooperation;
And those who extend their consideration and respect
Only to some people
Will begin to feel empathy
To all who are hurting and in need of support.
Your insights have come down to us
Through the guidance
Of our ancestors and teachers
Who knew that “love your neighbor as yourself”
Is a phrase infused with meaning,
Intended to remind us
That, in Your Oneness,
All people on this earth
Are our neighbors.
Blessed are You, Eternal One,
Whose image, imprinted on our souls,
Unites us in ways
That we will, one day, understand.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Reunion - November 24, 2023
We will all see - November 16, 2023
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Chesed - original reading - Daily minyan - November 15, 2023
Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
November 15, 2023
God, our Teacher,
Sustainer of us all,
As we move through the cycle
Of daily renewal
And of creation’s ever-changing growth,
Enhance our understanding
Of our world and our neighbors
So that we can grow in our caring
For members of the human family.
May Your CHESED, the love You bestow upon us,
Become a part of our very souls
So that we will share that love
By performing CHESED, acts of kindness and support,
For people in our community
And for inhabitants of our planet
Who live far away from us
But who need our assistance
To survive and thrive.
Bless us with a deepening awareness of the invisible ties
That bind us together
As we walk this earth.
May the fruits of our generous spirits
Lead to greater connection among us
So that we will increase the lights of wisdom, hope, and unity
On this day and in the days to come.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
In response to seeming silence - November 14, 2023
Friday, November 10, 2023
Threshold - November 9, 2023
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Companion, Support, Vision, Teacher, Parent - Daily Minyan reading - November 7, 2023
Facebook Live Daily Minyan Original Reading
The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
November 7, 2023
Eternal Creator,
By whose word and sound
Our existence comes into being
Who renews the universe
Within every moment,
Be our companion in our despair
At the persistence of cruelty and conflict.
Be our support
as we seek to engender cooperation and peace
Knowing that we might be following a dream
that cannot yet be realized.
Be our vision
As we search for the proper understanding
Of right and wrong,
Light and darkness.
Be our teacher,
As we begin to learn anew
How grief and remembrance
Can unite people who might otherwise
Be separated by insurmountable division.
Be our loving parent
Who can still inspire the children of humanity
To view themselves as part of one family,
To share a home within one world
To be warmed by Your shelter and protection
that can encompass us all.