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The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah
October 30, 2023
Creator of this wondrous Universe,
In times of challenge and despair,
Guide us to recognize
the miracles all around us:
Leaves changing color
A brilliant full moon
surrounded by planets and stars,
Parents and grandparents nurturing
Children and grandchildren
in the ways of kindness and hope,
People extending their hands to neighbors in need
to provide food and shelter,
Family members and friends
Celebrating milestones and new beginnings
And remembering loved ones present in spirit,
Peacemakers who remain dedicated in their tasks
Despite lingering hatred and unending conflict,
Partners in progress who overcome divisions
To foster understanding,
And all of us who see the spark of the divine
In each other’s eyes.
May Your everlasting love ever be
a bridge and a shelter
Within Your all-encompassing presence.