Wednesday, August 10, 2022
May Your brilliance inspire us - Original Reading - TTCBJ Overland Park Facebook Live Daily Minyan - August 10, 2022
Shine your kindness - Prayer for TTCBJ Overland Park, KS Facebook Live Daily Minyan - August 2, 2022
Facebook Live Daily Minyan Reading
The Temple, Congregation, B'nai Jehudah
Overland Park, KS
August 2, 2022
Creator of Light,
Sustainer of our lives,
You who support us in times of trial and challenge,
And celebrate with us in moments of joy,
Shine your kindness upon us
So that we will be kind to the people
whom we encounter each day.
Illuminate our souls with Your all-encompassing presence
So that we will sense your protection as night descends.
Grant us peace and rest
so that we will wake up to a new day
Ready to be present in our world
Adding goodness and hope
To the lives of all who need our help
To take steps towards a brighter future.
Share with us the love that is embedded
in the heart of this vast, interconnected universe
So that the love that we spread
Will bring the human family closer
To the Oneness
That is You.