Eternal God,
Guide of the seeker,
Protector of those fleeing the danger in their homes,
Beacon to wanderers, both parents and children, winding their way to freedom,
Provider for our needs who works through us to offer hospitality to the destitute, the traveler, the refugee, the lover of liberty looking for security and safety,
Open our eyes to a world where there is enough kindness to give
To overcome the violence that others perpetrate in places far and near.
Inspire in us the resolve to view others with compassion rather than suspicion,
With understanding rather than rejection,
And with a desire to work together rather than focusing on ways to drive us apart.
Remind us of those who came before us,
Who prayed to You along their journey
As they faced an uncertain future in a land they were told was golden,
A nation that likely looked a little like paradise compared to the villages from whence they came.
Help us to make this country a little more like the paradise our ancestors sought out
Through promoting greater respect, support and openness
In the place of fomenting fear and hatred towards people whom we really do not yet know.
Reveal to us the best that is in us so that we will approach our fellow human beings
With trust, with a heartfelt welcome, and with sincere smiles.
May the borders of our souls be open enough
To enable us to extend a hand
To seekers
To wanderers
To travelers
To the destitute
To the refugee
To the lovers of liberty
Who believe that love is something we can share
That will cause the divides between us to disappear
So that we will finally truly reflect the Oneness
Of the One
Who made us to be
And whole.